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  • 提高导电硅橡胶导电能力的“小妙方”


  • 【导电硅橡胶制品】导电硅胶制品是怎么导电的?


    说起导电硅胶制品,估计很多朋友都不知道它的作用,不过提到按键遥控器之类估计会想到它的作用功能,在硅胶按键遥控发展迅猛的那 些年导电硅胶制品的发展以及前景得到的突破性的发展,直至今日它依旧流行于遥控按键以及电子触摸笔等产品之中,它属于有机硅胶材料 之中的一种,不过与常规硅胶产品还有有一定的差异。  导电硅胶材料主要是以镍……
  • 【橡胶制品】橡胶手套绝缘吗?要如何挑选?


    橡胶手套是用橡胶薄片或薄膜制成的一类手套,按橡胶原料或制造工艺分胶乳浸渍手套和模压手套两种,广泛应用于电工、医用领域、制造业、装配业、食品加工行业等。   橡胶手套具有一定的绝缘性,在选择橡胶手套的时候一定要选择大品牌,同时要注意鉴别橡胶手套的质量,可以闻一闻是否有冲鼻异味,一般好的橡胶手套几乎没有味道或……
  • 【橡胶制品保养】影响橡胶制品老化的因素有哪些?


    生胶或橡胶制品在加工、贮存或使用过程中,会受到热、氧、光等一干二净因素的影响而逐渐发生物理及化学变化, 使其性能下降, 并丧失用途, 这种现象称为橡胶的老化。   橡胶老化过程中常常会伴随一些显著的现象, 如在外观上可以发现长期贮存的天然橡胶变软、发黏、出现斑点;橡胶制品有变形、变脆、变硬、龟裂、发霉、失……
  • 橡胶制品应该如何清洗?(橡胶老化怎么清理)


    橡胶制品应该如何清洗?首先要用笤帚把橡胶制品的表面清扫干净。然后用洗洁精加上温水搅拌均匀,让它彻底的融合到一起。把弄湿了的橡胶制品吹干。各个部位 都要吹干,不可以剩下那些部分,这样在用柔软的抹布擦拭橡胶制品,最主要的是要先把橡胶制品表面吸附的脏污弄掉,然后在风干,就可以了。因为它本身就带有粘性,所以不好清洗。 ……
  • 【导电硅胶制品】两点教你快速区分导电硅胶和抗静电硅胶!


    一般硅胶制品要求都会有绝缘和导电这样的性能,那么该如何区分导电硅胶和抗静电硅胶?   绝缘硅胶制品表面电阻值达到10的12次方以上就是绝缘级。(肯定有多人以为:10的5次方以下算导电,5次方到9次方是防静电,9次方以上是绝缘。)   导电硅橡胶通常是指体积电阻在10的9次欧姆厘米以内。导电橡胶分为防……
  • 「导电硅橡胶制品」好嘛,哪里的比较好用?


    导电硅橡胶是以硅橡胶为基胶,加入导电填料、交联剂等配炼硫化而成。   常用的胶料为甲基乙烯硅橡胶,常用的导电填料有乙炔炭黑、碳纤维、超导电炭黑、石墨、铜粉、银粉、铝粉和锌粉等。与一般导电橡胶相比,导电硅橡胶的优点是体积电阻率小,硬度低,耐高低温(-70至200℃)、耐老化、加工制造工艺性能好,特别适合于制造导电性……
  • Kaishunda opens a new chapter of independent R & D and production

    2020-12-14Kaishunda opens a new chapter of independent R & D and production

    In order to further promote the transformation of the enterprise, from a single manufacturing enterprise to a complete machine product manufacturer integrating R & D, design and production, the company successfully registered the trademark of "ca
  • Our company completed the sales target of 2020 ahead of schedule

    2020-12-14Our company completed the sales target of 2020 ahead of schedule

    In the past year, with the continuous efforts and efforts of all the employees of the company, and in the face of the extremely sluggish economic environment and economic situation in 2020, Shenzhen kaishunda plastic products Co., Ltd. has achieved the sa
  • Kaishunda becomes Yamaha rubber silicone supplier partner

    2020-12-14Kaishunda becomes Yamaha rubber silicone supplier partner

    In July 2020, after more than one year's efforts of all employees, Shenzhen kaishunda plastic products Co., Ltd. successfully passed the new round of Yamaha supply chain audit and certification standards in Japan, and became the partner of Yamaha rubb
  • Kaishunda officially launched the application and certification of "national high tech enterprise"

    2020-12-14Kaishunda officially launched the application and certification of "national high tech enterprise"

    From March 2020, Shenzhen kaishunda plastic products Co., Ltd. officially started the application and certification of "national high tech enterprise". During the application period, we have successfully applied for 12 technical patents and copy
  • Our company has successfully broken through the technical problem of rubber whitening and hardening recently

    2020-12-14Our company has successfully broken through the technical problem of rubber whitening and hardening recently

    Shenzhen kaishunda plastic products Co., Ltd., with the joint efforts of all R & D personnel, has recently successfully broken through the technical difficulties of plastic rubber frosting. It has successfully developed a rubber compound that can keep
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